Diggerland - borzongjon az óriásgép markában!

Kanalas gép unortodox művelet közben.

Ország-világUjlaki Ágnes2014. 06. 05. csütörtök2014. 06. 05.

Kép: Guest ride in a modified excavator bucket during a preview day at Diggerland USA Thursday, May 22, 2014, in West Berlin, N.J. The them park scheduled to opening in June is said to be the first theme park of its kind in the U.S., though many of its plans are based on similar parks in the United Kingdom. Unlike a more intense heavy equipment playground in Las Vegas called Dig This, Diggerland caters to both kids and adults. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke), Fotó: Matt Rourke

Diggerland - borzongjon az óriásgép markában!
Guest ride in a modified excavator bucket during a preview day at Diggerland USA Thursday, May 22, 2014, in West Berlin, N.J. The them park scheduled to opening in June is said to be the first theme park of its kind in the U.S., though many of its plans are based on similar parks in the United Kingdom. Unlike a more intense heavy equipment playground in Las Vegas called Dig This, Diggerland caters to both kids and adults. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Fotó: Matt Rourke

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