Hódít a biodivat - csak a kecskéket kerülje, aki így öltözik

Száz százalékban bio!

Ország-világMunkatársunktól2014. 12. 08. hétfő2014. 12. 08.

Kép: A model presents a creation made with organic elements by Colombian designer Juan Pablo Garzon during BioFashion show, in Cali, Department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, on November 29, 2014. BioFashion through of designs made with flowers, live plants, and organic elements aims to create awareness about the preservation of natural resources. AFP PHOTO / LUIS ROBAYO, Fotó: LUIS ROBAYO

Hódít a biodivat - csak a kecskéket kerülje, aki így öltözik
A model presents a creation made with organic elements by Colombian designer Juan Pablo Garzon during BioFashion show, in Cali, Department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, on November 29, 2014. BioFashion through of designs made with flowers, live plants, and organic elements aims to create awareness about the preservation of natural resources. AFP PHOTO / LUIS ROBAYO

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