Biztonságosabbá tették - Tériszonyosok azért ne erőltessék!

14 év után újra megnyitják a világ legveszélyesebb ösvényét, az El Caminito de Rey hegyi ösvényt Spanyolországban.

Ország-világMunkatársunktól2015. 03. 23. hétfő2015. 03. 23.

Kép: After a fourteen year closure the world's most dangerous footpath will open to the public once again this Easter. Closed back in 2001 the cliff-side path, which runs above the Desfiladero del los Gaitanes gorge near Malaga, Spain, previously saw five people lose their lives between 1999 and 2000. However, tourists continued to take their chances, causing officials to launch a $3.36m scheme to renovate it. Renovations of the 110 year-old walkway have included a new glass floor, the installation of new wooden planks, the addition of safety lines and steel bolts and the insistence that visitors will wear a helmet; the infamous walk will reopen to the public during Holy Week, which begins on March 29, Entry will be free during the first six months, with nearly 30,000 tourists already booked to brave the new pathway, Tickets are available at Featuring: Atmosphere Where: Malaga, Spain When: 13 Mar 2015 Credit: Supplied by, Fotó: CB2/ZOB

Caminito del Rey: world's scariest footpath now requires helmets
After a fourteen year closure the world's most dangerous footpath will open to the public once again this Easter. Closed back in 2001 the cliff-side path, which runs above the Desfiladero del los Gaitanes gorge near Malaga, Spain, previously saw five people lose their lives between 1999 and 2000. However, tourists continued to take their chances, causing officials to launch a $3.36m scheme to renovate it. Renovations of the 110 year-old walkway have included a new glass floor, the installation of new wooden planks, the addition of safety lines and steel bolts and the insistence that visitors will wear a helmet; the infamous walk will reopen to the public during Holy Week, which begins on March 29, Entry will be free during the first six months, with nearly 30,000 tourists already booked to brave the new pathway, Tickets are available at Featuring: Atmosphere Where: Malaga, Spain When: 13 Mar 2015 Credit: Supplied by
Fotó: CB2/ZOB

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