Mindentudó segítőtársak - Fura a sofőrkabin nélküli monstrum

ELSŐSORBAN a sok kézi munkát igénylő és az egészséget veszélyeztető feladatok – gyümölcsszüret, gyomtalanítás – elvégzésében segíthetnek a robotok a földeken, az üvegházakban. S mindez már sokkal inkább a jelen, mint a jövő zenéje.

GazdanetBudai Horváth József2017. 02. 17. péntek2017. 02. 17.

Kép: Ferrari Press Agency Ref 7277 Tractor 1 02/09/2016 See Ferrari text Picture MUST credit : CNH Industrial The future of farming has been revealed – in the shape of an autonomous tractor that can plough, sow and harvest fields around the clock.A working concept has been produced by industrial vehicle maker CNH through its agricultural machinery off-shoot Case IH, and then set to work on a real farm in Kentucky, USA.The tractor is equipped with technology to make it programmable from a tablet or a home computer hub.It’s route can be plotted and changed and onboard sensors in the shape of cameras , GPS and radar can detect obstacles and even passing traffic when on the road.Two or more could be used in tandem, making the life of a farmer and his workforce considerably easier at the busy times of the year.Dutch registered but London-based CNH worked with US company Autonomous Solutions to build the tractor.Path planning technology lets farmers manage their fields and oversee the overall operation of multiple vehicles simultaneously. The tractor, called ACV for autonomous concept vehicle, can drive from a parking area along a private road to a field where it can commence its agricultural duties without any further human intervention. The tractor is also designed such that it can work in tandem with manned machinery.It boasts a 419-horsepower engine and clocks a maximum speed of 31 mph (50 km/hr). Each unmanned farm vehicle is equipped with a series of hardware and software components that permit a user to toggle between manual and robotic control. The components work with the existing by-wire, mechanical, or hydraulic control system and link vehicles to a central command station, allowing a single operator to simultaneously manage multiple vehicles throughout a farm operation.Advanced path-generating algorithms calculate the most efficient area coverage pattern for a field taking into account the type of task, vehicle, size of implements, number of vehicles in the field, implement turn radius, and more.Autonomous tractor technology will address the growing concern of labor shortages while also increasing productivity and efficiencies bringing higher yields. The technology will allow for true 24-hour, round the clock operations and a farmer will be able to manage their operation from their home office or on a tablet on the go. Dealing with the legal implications of self-driving tractors means it could take three years before they’re commercially available.There would be concerns with how a farmer would go about moving the tractor from one field to another that may be across a road, since no one is physically driving it, despite the inbuilt safety technology. OPS:The ACV tractor in action, working in tandem ith a more orthodox tractor which is driver and autonomously operated but less high tech Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 298617502, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Ferrari, Fotó: Profimedia

Self-driving tractor set to plough out a future in farming
Ferrari Press Agency Ref 7277 Tractor 1 02/09/2016 See Ferrari text Picture MUST credit : CNH Industrial The future of farming has been revealed – in the shape of an autonomous tractor that can plough, sow and harvest fields around the clock.A working concept has been produced by industrial vehicle maker CNH through its agricultural machinery off-shoot Case IH, and then set to work on a real farm in Kentucky, USA.The tractor is equipped with technology to make it programmable from a tablet or a home computer hub.It’s route can be plotted and changed and onboard sensors in the shape of cameras , GPS and radar can detect obstacles and even passing traffic when on the road.Two or more could be used in tandem, making the life of a farmer and his workforce considerably easier at the busy times of the year.Dutch registered but London-based CNH worked with US company Autonomous Solutions to build the tractor.Path planning technology lets farmers manage their fields and oversee the overall operation of multiple vehicles simultaneously. The tractor, called ACV for autonomous concept vehicle, can drive from a parking area along a private road to a field where it can commence its agricultural duties without any further human intervention. The tractor is also designed such that it can work in tandem with manned machinery.It boasts a 419-horsepower engine and clocks a maximum speed of 31 mph (50 km/hr). Each unmanned farm vehicle is equipped with a series of hardware and software components that permit a user to toggle between manual and robotic control. The components work with the existing by-wire, mechanical, or hydraulic control system and link vehicles to a central command station, allowing a single operator to simultaneously manage multiple vehicles throughout a farm operation.Advanced path-generating algorithms calculate the most efficient area coverage pattern for a field taking into account the type of task, vehicle, size of implements, number of vehicles in the field, implement turn radius, and more.Autonomous tractor technology will address the growing concern of labor shortages while also increasing productivity and efficiencies bringing higher yields. The technology will allow for true 24-hour, round the clock operations and a farmer will be able to manage their operation from their home office or on a tablet on the go. Dealing with the legal implications of self-driving tractors means it could take three years before they’re commercially available.There would be concerns with how a farmer would go about moving the tractor from one field to another that may be across a road, since no one is physically driving it, despite the inbuilt safety technology. OPS:The ACV tractor in action, working in tandem ith a more orthodox tractor which is driver and autonomously operated but less high tech Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 298617502, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Ferrari
Fotó: Profimedia

Vezető világcégek (Case IH, New Holland, Fendt) a traktorok robotizálásával az önállóan dolgozó vagy a vezérgépet követő masinák fejlesztésén munkálkodnak.

A Case IH 300 lóerős, fülke nélküli erőgépének prototípusa – melyhez számos eszköz csatlakoztatható – önállóan kormányozza magát. A masina radar- és lézerszenzorai, illetve videokamerái a terepviszonyokhoz és a többi géphez viszonyítva jelölik ki az útvonalat, miközben a beprogramozott feladatok végrehajtása tabletről is nyomon követhető. A műholdakkal összeköttetésben álló gép centiméterre képes feltérképezni a megművelésre kijelölt területeket, munka közben elemzi az időjárási és a talajviszonyokat. A központban egyetlen szakember a monitorán egyszerre több gép tevékenységét is ellenőrizheti.

Az ausztráliai Queensland államban engedélyezték a permetező drónok használatát. A BugDrone névre hallgató drón egy-egy felszállással kéthektárnyi napraforgó növényvédelmét képes ellátni. Az állam egyetemén alkotott „műmadár” pedig hasznos rovarokat (például fürkészdarazsakat) enged szabadon az adott tábla fölött. A Sydney Egyetem Katicabogár nevű napelemes robotja lézer- és mikrohullámú sugárral irtja a gazt, a nehezebben megközelíthető területeken is négyzetcentiméterre pontosan juttatja ki a szereket. Az intézmény robotjuhásza pedig egy időben terel, figyeli az állatok kondícióját és a gyep állapotát.

A német Robert Bosch vállalat BoniRobja a sorok között halad az ültetvényen, s amikor a memóriája a védendő növényeken kívüli leveleket észlel, a gép azonnal lecsap és kíméletlenül kigyomlálja a felesleget.

Az amerikai Massachusetts Institute of Technology műszaki egyetem üvegházában vizuális szenzorok ellenőrzik minden egyes paradicsomnövény állapotát, jelzik, ha öntözni kell. A japán Panasonic cég szüretelő robotja pedig különkülön és sértetlenül szedi le az érett paradicsomszemeket, így a leghatékonyabban takarítható be a termés.

A kaliforniai San Diegóban a Vision Robotics vállalat narancsszedő robotja háromdimenziós modellt készít a fákról, s ennek függvényében fog neki a szüretnek, aminek során képes az azonos méretű vagy érettségi szintű gyümölcsöket különválogatni.

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