Nem minden a gyorsaság! Szépség és erő megmutatása a cél

A National Geographic Traveler fotósversenyén díjazott képen egy ománi tradicionális teveversenyt láthatunk, ahol nem a gyorsaságon van a hangsúly!

Ország-világSZF-ajánló2015. 08. 18. kedd2015. 08. 18.

Kép: ( Camel Ardah) As it called in Oman, its one of the traditional styles of camel racing between two camels controlled by expert men, the faster camel is the loser one, so they must be running by the same speed level in the same track, Fotó: Ahmed Al Toqi

Camel Ardah
( Camel Ardah) As it called in Oman, its one of the traditional styles of camel racing between two camels controlled by expert men, the faster camel is the loser one, so they must be running by the same speed level in the same track
Fotó: Ahmed Al Toqi

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