Kallódó milliók

Törökország ötmilliárd eurót vár az uniótól cserébe azért, hogy segítsen megfékezni az Európába igyekvő menekültek áradatát.

Ország-világMarkos Mária2016. 02. 06. szombat2016. 02. 06.

Kép: 9th of Jan 2016 Dramatic rescues as refugee deaths in Aegean reach record high MOAS is altered by HCG of a rapidly deflating rubber dinghy with women, children and men onboard. The deflating boat is close to being swamped by waves in the rolling sea. The SAR team using the MOAS mothership, Responder to give lee side, they approach the boat in their fast rescue craft, with rescues swimmers standing by incase anyone falls into the water, the experienced SAR team quickly evacuate the boat, of all 40 people. This was a challenging rescue in view of the 1 -1.5m waves and the state of the migrant craft. The VOI was severely deflated and would have gone under had it not been for MOAS’s timely intervention. ATHAGONISI - Search and rescue charity Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) has assisted hundreds of refugees from hostile seas between Turkey and Greece since it began operating in the region just before Christmas. The MOAS crew has witnessed shocking scenes of life and death, having led complex deep water and nearshore rescues over the past four weeks. The human toll has been described as “distressing” and “desperate” by reporters who have been embedded with MOAS. MOAS, which saved almost 12,000 refugees from the Mediterranean Sea since 2014, expanded its operations to the Aegean Sea thanks to thousands of donations that reached the organisation after the horrific death of Alan Kurdi, a Syrian toddler who was photographed washed ashore on a Turkish beach last September. The charity is operating off the Greek island of Agathonisi from a 51-metre vessel equipped with two fast rescue launches named after Alan and his brother Galip, who also died in September’s shipwreck. According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), 2016 appears to be a record year for both refugee arrivals and deaths at sea. In the first three weeks, fatalities have already reached 113, which is more than the past two Januaries combined. In the same three-week p, Image: 272251706, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Exclusivepix, Fotó: Profimedia

Dramatic rescues as refugee deaths in Aegean reach record high
9th of Jan 2016 Dramatic rescues as refugee deaths in Aegean reach record high MOAS is altered by HCG of a rapidly deflating rubber dinghy with women, children and men onboard. The deflating boat is close to being swamped by waves in the rolling sea. The SAR team using the MOAS mothership, Responder to give lee side, they approach the boat in their fast rescue craft, with rescues swimmers standing by incase anyone falls into the water, the experienced SAR team quickly evacuate the boat, of all 40 people. This was a challenging rescue in view of the 1 -1.5m waves and the state of the migrant craft. The VOI was severely deflated and would have gone under had it not been for MOAS’s timely intervention. ATHAGONISI - Search and rescue charity Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) has assisted hundreds of refugees from hostile seas between Turkey and Greece since it began operating in the region just before Christmas. The MOAS crew has witnessed shocking scenes of life and death, having led complex deep water and nearshore rescues over the past four weeks. The human toll has been described as “distressing” and “desperate” by reporters who have been embedded with MOAS. MOAS, which saved almost 12,000 refugees from the Mediterranean Sea since 2014, expanded its operations to the Aegean Sea thanks to thousands of donations that reached the organisation after the horrific death of Alan Kurdi, a Syrian toddler who was photographed washed ashore on a Turkish beach last September. The charity is operating off the Greek island of Agathonisi from a 51-metre vessel equipped with two fast rescue launches named after Alan and his brother Galip, who also died in September’s shipwreck. According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), 2016 appears to be a record year for both refugee arrivals and deaths at sea. In the first three weeks, fatalities have already reached 113, which is more than the past two Januaries combined. In the same three-week p, Image: 272251706, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Exclusivepix
Fotó: Profimedia

Az Európai Unió és Ankara korábban arról állapodott meg, hogy a brüsszeli közös büdzséből, illetve a tagállamok hozzájárulásából összesen hárommilliárd eurót kap a török kormány.

A pénzt – amelyből egyelőre semmit sem utaltak át – arra használhatnák, hogy javítsák a Törökországban rekedt 2,5 millió szíriai menekült életkörülményeit. Ankara azt is vállalta, hogy megszigorítja a határellenőrzést, amivel visszatarthatná az Európába igyekvő menekültek áradatát. Az észak-afrikai bevándorlók fő célpontjának számító Olaszország er ről hallani sem akar, a hozzájárulást azonnal megtagadta, mondván: fizessenek az uniós költségvetésből. Róma nincs egyedül álláspontjával, ha nem is fogalmaz ilyen sarkosan a többi uniós kormány, ők is késlekednek a pénz összeadásával.

Brüsszel nem akarja, hogy az európai adófizetők pénze eltűnjön a török árnyékgazdaságban – a késlekedést ezzel magyarázzák az uniós diplomaták.


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