Beszámolók az újabb londoni terrortámadásról

Valóságos lángfal keletkezett a kocsiban! - Robbanás történt péntek reggel a nyugat-londoni Parsons Green metróállomáson egy utasokkal zsúfolt metrószerelvényen. Többen megsérültek, közülük néhányan égési sérülést szenvedtek.

Ország-világVasárnapi Hírek - VHO2017. 09. 16. szombat2017. 09. 16.

Kép: Members of the emergency services work outside Parsons Green underground tube station in west London on September 15, 2017, following an incident on an underground tube carriage at the station. Police and ambulance services said they were responding to an "incident" at Parsons Green underground station in west London on Friday, following media reports of an explosion. A reporter at the scene was quoted by the paper as saying that a white container exploded on the train and passengers had suffered facial burns. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS, Fotó: DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS

Beszámolók az újabb londoni terrortámadásról
Members of the emergency services work outside Parsons Green underground tube station in west London on September 15, 2017, following an incident on an underground tube carriage at the station. Police and ambulance services said they were responding to an "incident" at Parsons Green underground station in west London on Friday, following media reports of an explosion. A reporter at the scene was quoted by the paper as saying that a white container exploded on the train and passengers had suffered facial burns. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS

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